Basic Approach

The Dowa Group recognizes the impact of its business activities on the environment. We regard contribution to the establishment of a resource-recycling society through our core business and reduction of environmental burdens, such as prevention of environmental pollution in our own business, as important management issues. Under our basic environmental policy, we are continuously promoting group-wide initiatives. We also strive to preserve the natural environment through the reduction of pollutants and the proper disposal of waste.

Promotion Framework

The DOWA Group’s environmental management activities are conducted by the Environment & Safety Department, which works with each operating company in charge of environmental conservation activities. DOWA Holdings coordinates between these operating companies and oversees environmental management for the entire Group.

Environmental Management System

In addition, 52 of the Group’s sites, which account for approximately 75% of the Group’s major production sites, have acquired ISO 14001 or Eco-Action 21 certification and have established a structure to use an environmental management system (EMS). In our transportation business, we have obtained Green Management certification to promote environmental conservation in trucking. We are promoting activities that lead to continuous environmental improvement through the PDCA cycle of our environmental management system. To ensure that environmental management is conducted in a proper manner, we also conduct regular internal and external audits and provide training courses for internal auditors.

Achievements and Targets

Key Measures



Establishment of an environmental management system

(Establish and maintain an ISO14001- or EA21- compliant systems)

Ratio of business locations operating under DOWA’s EHS-MS (environment, health, and safety management system)

(At ISO-certified locations)


(by March 31, 2025)

Improvement of risk management

(Minimize risk of environmental accidents and improve response capabilities)

Number of environmental accidents


The Midterm Plan 2024 aims to establish ISO 14001 / Eco-Action 21 (EA21)-compliant management systems at all major business sites by the final year of the plan, FY 2024. Through such environmental management, we aim to contribute to the creation of a resource-recycling society and reduce the environmental impact of our business operations, including the prevention of environmental pollution.

Material Balance

The DOWA Group is promoting business activities while considering material balance by quantitatively determining the input of necessary resources and energy at each stage of the business life cycle as well as the output of CO2 and waste generated from these activities.

Atmosphere and Water Management

The DOWA Group’s impact on the atmosphere and water is greatly affected by the composition of waste received by the Environmental Management & Recycling Business. Therefore, we are working to reduce said impact by enhancing our management systems at each business location and implementing standards that are more stringent than national regulations.


Factory Greening Award Program (Akita Prefecture)

Akita Zinc Co., Ltd. received the Director-General’s Award of the Tohoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s 2021 Factory Greening Award Program (commonly known as the National Award for Factory Greening Program).Akita Zinc established in 1971, produces more than 200,000 tons of zinc ingots every year, making it the largest producer in Japan. The company also operates a smelter with low environmental impact that generates almost no waste. During its construction, it was positioned as a smelter amid greenery, and builders devised ways to carry out this vision including leaving a pine forest around the site. In 2005, the company also acquired ISO 14001 certification. Now the company is working to stay in harmony with the surrounding pine forest while also greenifying the coastal areas.