Sustainability Management

The DOWA Group believes that contributing to the realization of a sustainable society through socially and environmentally conscious business operations to be a mission of great significance. For the Group to continue to respond to social demands, we established our vision (our goal in 2030) based on medium- to long-term perspectives, aiming to achieve our mission, the reason for the existence of the DOWA Group: to contribute to creating an affluent, recycling-oriented society through our business activities worldwide.

The DOWA Group’s Corporate Mission, Vision, Values, and Code of Conduct

The Group’s five businesses share common traits: they provide support for society and reduce the environmental impact created by economic activities.I believe that the reason for the Group’s existence is to promote the evolution of these traits so that it can continue its contributions to society. We made these revisions with reference to several guidelines, including the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Charter of Corporate Behavior of Keidanren (Japan Business Federation). These revisions also reflect stakeholder expectations and take into consideration the corporate culture DOWA has cultivated over its long history.

Value Creation Process

The DOWA Group believes that its most important missions are to engage all of its stakeholders in a sincere and open manner through business operations emphasizing society and the environment and to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
Looking at the different social issues that surround the Company, we aim to seek out opportunities by leveraging our value creation driver, which is centered on our recycling-oriented business model. At the same time, we intend to enhance sustainability management as a mechanism to reduce risk and ensure that we can continue to create value over the medium to long term. With these actions, we are realizing our Corporate Mission, “Contribute to creating an affluent, recycling-oriented society through our business activities worldwide,” and our Vision (our goal in 2030).