Relationship with Stakeholders

To achieve sustainable growth and enhance corporate value, the DOWA Group is committed to transparent information disclosure and promoting dialogue with our stakeholders, including shareholders, investors, customers, suppliers, employees, government agencies, and local communities.

Shareholders and Investors

The President and Representative Director, directors, and various DOWA Holdings departments work together to implement various measures to promote constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors. To the extent possible, directors and relevant departments will respond to requests from shareholders and investors for interviews for constructive dialogue that will contribute to sustainable growth and medium- to long-term corporate value improvement. In addition, the Company has established an appointed investor relations department to promote dialogue with shareholders and investors.

Dialogue in FY 2022

Main correspondents

Management: President and Representative Director, directors (in charge of accounting, finance, sustainability, and human resources)

DOWA Holdings: Corporate Planning Department (including Public Relations & Investor Relations Sec. and Sustainability Sec.), Accounting Department, Finance Department, General Affairs & Legal Department, and Human Resources Department

Number of dialogues

Individual interviews: 140

Earnings calls: Held 4 times with a total of 157 participants

Corporate strategy briefings: Held 2 times with a total of 72 participants

Summary of shareholders and investors with whom we have had dialogue

Japanese and overseas investors (fund managers, analysts, ESG officers, voting officers) primarily with growth, GARP, and value investment styles

Main themes and concerns of dialogue

Future business strategy (growth drivers, response to cost increases, etc.), progress on key measures in the midterm plan, capital policy (dividend levels, etc.), response to climate change, expansion of human capital, board composition, etc.

Status of Feedback of Shareholder Opinions and Concerns to Management and the Board of Directors

Opinions and concerns identified through shareholder dialogue are promptly feed back to the President and Representative Director and other relevant internal departments. They are reported twice a year at meetings of the Board of Directors. In FY 2022, the following information was reported at the September 2022 and February 2023 Board of Directors meetings, and discussions were held regarding responses and other matters.


Main contents of the reports:

Investor concerns (business performance, shareholder returns, ESG, etc.), analyst evaluation of the earnings announcement, and trends in the Company’s stock price, etc.

Corporate Strategy Briefing for Institutional Investors and Analysts

Twice a year, we hold Corporate strategy meeting for institutional investors and analysts to explain the progress of major measures in our Midterm Plan 2024. The meetings were held in a hybrid format, using on-site and online sessions so that participants could attend from anywhere in the world. President and Representative Director Sekiguchi gave the explanations during the briefings.


Awarded the Akita City Vibrant Children’s Community Development Company

Akita Zinc Co., Ltd. was awarded the Excellence Award of Akita City Vibrant Children’s Community Development Company in 2022. Akita Zinc Co., Ltd. promotes health management, and in addition to women taking maternity leave, the number of men taking paternity leave is increasing. The certification and commendation were in recognition of the company’s efforts to meet the certification criteria, which include the actual results of paternity leave taken when their partners took maternity leave, measures to improve the paid leave utilization rate, and management’s declaration of being more family-friendly.

Certified under the Comfortable Workplace Certification Program

The head office and seven sales offices of DOWA-Tsuun Co., Ltd. received certification under the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism’s Comfortable Workplace Certification Program. The goal of this program, which was established in 2020, is to bring attention to the efforts made by automobile-based transport companies to improve their workplaces in order to create more comfortable working environments and to help human resources remain in their positions. DOWA-Tsuun acquired the certification after meeting certification requirements in five areas: legal compliance and related matters, working hours and holidays, mental and physical health, safety and stability, and the securement and training of diverse human resources.


Held a Ceremony, Inviting All Relevant Ministries and Our Customers

BANGPOO ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLEX COMPANY LIMITED (Thailand) utilizes waste incineration and thermal energy recovery facilities to destroy CFCs, a greenhouse gas. In FY 2022, the company began a project to issue carbon credits for fluorocarbons it destroys and processes. To commemorate this event, we held a ceremony in November 2022, inviting all relevant ministries and agencies in Thailand and Japan and our customers. In January 2023, the then Minister of the Environment NISHIMURA Akihiro visited the company during his visit to Thailand.

Presentation at an Online Seminar during Viet Nam–Japan Environment Week

DOWA Eco-System Co., Ltd. took the podium at an online seminar during the Second Viet Nam–Japan Environment Week, an event sponsored by Vietnam’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) and Japan’s Ministry of the Environment. The event is held to discuss environmental issues common to Japan and Vietnam and provides a platform to share advanced environmental solutions for building a decarbonized and sustainable future. The company took the stage at this seminar as a company that plays a part in the circular economy and introduced the resource recycling and waste treatment businesses that provide services in Japan and overseas.

Local Communities

The Dowa Group has made community contributions a priority measure in its social field initiatives. In order to develop together with the local communities, our sites in Japan and overseas are actively engaged in community-based social contribution activities, such as communications through community round-table meetings, supporting sports, organising events, plant tours, and accepting interns. For more information on our initiatives, please refer to the following links.

External Evaluations

The development of various initiatives to meet the expectations of stakeholders has resulted in external awards and evaluations. For more information on external evaluations, please refer to the following links.