July 31, 2023
DOWA ECO-SYSTEM CO., LTD. (14-1 Sotokanda 4-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Capital: 1 billion yen; President: YANAI Yasuharu; hereinafter "DOWA ECO-SYSTEM"), a subsidiary of DOWA HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (same location; Capital: 36.4 billion yen; President: SEKIGUCHI Akira), has decided to acquire new business site in Uki city, Kumamoto Pref., and set up a recycling business base (hereinafter referred to as "the Kumamoto New Plant") with a view to further strengthening the Environmental management and Recycling business in the Kyushu region. Prior to the construction of the Kumamoto New Plant, DOWA ECO-SYSTEM signed a company location agreement with Uki City in the presence of Kumamoto Pref. earlier today.
- 拡大
- DOWA's Environmental management & Recycling facilities in the Kyushu region
At the Kumamoto New Plant, it will start with construction of a branch plant of Act-B Recycling Co., Ltd. (278-6 Shiohama-cho, Minamata, Kumamoto; Capital: 200 million yen; Representative Director: TSUCHIDA Ikari; hereinafter "Act-B") a subsidiary of DOWA ECO-SYSTEM. Act-B's branch plant will engage chiefly in mono-materialization of nonferrous metals and plastics from four kinds of home appliances, the recycling of small waste electrical and electronic equipment, and the manufacturing of refuse derived paper and plastics densified fuel(RPF). DOWA ECO-SYSTEM will also consider business development at the Kumamoto New Plant such as the recycling of precious metals, mainly for the semiconductor manufacturers, which are expected to concentrate in the Kyushu region, as well as into recycling of lithium-ion batteries and solar panels, which are expected to be discarded in large quantities in the future.
With the acquisition of Act-B in fiscal 2005, the DOWA Group fully launched its Environmental management and Recycling business in the Kyushu region, and has been expanding the business through increasing the added value of nonferrous metals and plastics and conducting RPF manufacturing, among other initiatives. With the launch of the Kumamoto New Plant, the DOWA Group will continue to expand the Act-B's business, and also consider new business development to strengthen the Environmental management and Recycling business in the Kyushu region. The DOWA Group will continue to contribute to building a sustainable society by strengthening its Environmental management and Recycling business in Japan and overseas.
[Overview of the Kumamoto New Plant]
·Location : Hagio, Matsubasemachi, Uki, Kumamoto
·Site area : Approx. 100,000 m2 (development area) , Approx. 68,000 m2 (effective area)
·Building area : Approx. 6,000 m2 (Act-B's branch plant)
·Construction start date : August 2023
·Start of operation : Around spring 2025
·Investment amount : Approx. 5 billion yen
·Number of newly employed : Approx. 20 (at the start of operation)
- 拡大
- Conceptional drawing of Act-B's branch plant
[Overview of DOWA ECO-SYSTEM CO., LTD.]
1. Head office : 14-1 Sotokanda 4-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
2. Founded : October 2006
3. Capital : 1 billion yen
4. Representative : YANAI Yasuharu
5. Number of employees : Approx. 2,700 (DOWA ECO-SYSTEM consolidated, as of end of March 2023)
6. Shareholder : DOWA HOLDINGS CO., LTD. 100%
7. Business : Environment and Recycling business (Resource recycling, Waste treatment, Soil remediation, Logistics, Consulting)
[Overview of Act-B Recycling Co., Ltd.]
1. Head office : 278-6, Shiohama-cho, Minamata, Kumamoto
2. Founded : December 1999
3. Capital : 200 million yen
4. Representative : TSUCHIDA Ikari
5. Number of employees : 120 (as of end of March 2023)
6. Shareholders : DOWA ECO-SYSTEM CO., LTD. 60%, Fukuoka Shoji Co., Ltd. 10%, Kumamoto Chuo Shinkin Bank 5%, Hitachi Global Life Solutions, Inc. 5%, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 5%, Sharp Corporation 5%, Sony Corporation 5%, FUJITSU GENERAL LIMITED 5%
7. Business : Recycling of four kinds of home appliances (televisions, refrigerators, washing machines and air conditioners) into products, recycling of small waste electrical and electronic equipment, recycling of computers and office equipment, manufacturing of refuse derived paper and plastics densified fuel(RPF)