December 13, 2023
DOWA HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (14-1, Sotokanda 4-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Capital: 36.4 billion yen; President: SEKIGUCHI Akira; “the Company”) hereby announces that it has formulated a DOWA Group Human Rights Response Roadmap (hereinafter referred to as “the Roadmap") and Action Plan, to further strengthen its response to human rights issues and ensure respect for the human rights of all stakeholders involved in its business activities.
The DOWA Group regards respect for human rights as one of its most important management issues. In addition to its existing efforts to address human rights issues to date, in September 2023, the Group began working to establish a group-wide management system to systematically address human rights issues on a group-wide basis. The Group has established the Roadmap as a medium-term process for responding to human rights issues through group management based on this system.
Under the Roadmap, from FY2023 through FY2024, the Group is conducting risk assessments regarding human rights to identify significant human rights issues, and working to establish a management system for comprehensive monitoring and review. From FY2025 onward, we will engage in full-scale group management to address significant human rights issues and work to expand our response to human rights issues to include our value chain.
At the same time, the Group has developed a specific action plan based on the Roadmap and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights established by the United Nations. With this plan, the Group will steadily implement a series of group management activities, including the expansion of human rights education and the restructuring and operation of its complaint-handling mechanisms.
In accordance with the Roadmap and action plan, we will strengthen our response to human rights issues through group management, to fulfill the Group's responsibility to respect human rights by promoting human rights awareness and preventing human rights violations.
[DOWA Group Human Rights Response Roadmap]

[DOWA Group Human Rights Response Action Plan]

The Group's initiatives for Human Rights Issues