May 25, 2023


DOWA HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (14-1 Sotokanda, 4-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Capital: 36.4 billion yen, President: SEKIGUCHI Akira) has established new contribution targets for FY2030 to further reduce greenhouse gas (hereinafter “GHG”) from its customers and society through its products and services, and a roadmap to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.


In 2021, we established our Climate Change Policy and set a long-term target of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and an interim goal of reducing GHG emissions by FY2030. In addition, under the Midterm Plan 2024, which started in FY2022, we are taking steps aimed at achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, such as reaffirming our climate change as one of the materialities, establishing a company-wide promotion system, and publishing the TCFD report.


To link these efforts to our sustainable growth, we have named our products and services that contribute to GHG reduction in a wide range of fields, including metal materials for EVs, fuel cells, and solar panels, lithium-ion battery recycling, and many types of nonferrous metals provided through recycling, as DOWA Green Action (hereinafter “DGA”), while setting the sales target for FY2030.


Toward the achievement of the FY2030 target, we will contribute to addressing climate change through our business activities, which are based on the dual goals of “reducing GHG emissions in society through DGA” and “reducing GHG emissions from the DOWA Group.” We will approach this issue by regarding it as an opportunity for the DOWA Group to grow.

Moreover, toward the achievement of carbon neutrality by 2050, we will promote energy conservation, the introduction of renewable energy, and the in-house development of biomass fuels. Going forward, we will consider introducing new technologies, such as the use of negative emission technologies that capture and store CO2. We have developed the “Roadmap to Achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2050” that summarizes these efforts.

The DOWA Group will strive to reduce risks from climate change and expand growth opportunities by creating and expanding DGAs that promote reductions in society’s GHG emissions and pursuing roadmap initiatives to achieve a carbon neutral society.

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