April 4, 2022
Tohoku University
DOWA HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (14-1, Sotokanda 4-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; 36.4 billion yen; President: SEKIGUCHI Akira) and Tohoku University (2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi; President: OHNO Hideo) established the DOWA x Tohoku University Co-creation Research Center ("Co-creation Research Center" *) on April 1, 2022 to promote and strengthen research activities for resource recycling and provision of excellent materials and technologies.
DOWA and Tohoku University established an endowed chair (Control of Environmental Materials) in the Graduate School of Environmental Studies at Tohoku University in 2004, and DOWA entered into a partnership agreement with University in 2007. Since then, DOWA has dispatched researchers to the University, and active joint research and exchange has progressed. 9 joint research projects were promoted in FY2021 and 15 projects will be anticipated in FY2022.
In addition to the endowed chair, DOWA and Tohoku University established the Co-creation Research Center to promote and strengthen research activities by the creation of a stronger industry-university partnership. Through the Co-creation Research Center, the exceptional technological seeds at Tohoku University and the technology possessed by DOWA will be further integrated. The goal of this joint project is to create high technology that will contribute towards offering resource recycling and excellent materials and technologies, while also responding to sustainability issues, including carbon neutrality and declines in the working population.

Glimpse of the Online Co-creation Research Center Grand Opening
(Left: President OHNO, Tohoku University; Right: President SEKIGUCHI, DOWA)

The Engineering Laboratory Complex Building at Tohoku University,
where the Co-creation Research Center was established
In the first period (FY2022 to FY2024) since the Co-creation Research Center was established, researchers will explore specific research themes related to 1) carbon neutral technologies, 2) revolutionary technologies through AI/IoT/MI, and 3) new materials for automobiles (EV), information and communications, the environment and energy, and healthcare, with the goal of starting five or more joint research projects.
* Co-creation Research Center : a system that establishes a cooperative base for companies within a university and advances various cooperative activities, including joint projects and promotions, development of human resources, and partnerships with venture corporations that are started at universities by making university professors, knowledge, and facilities accessible across departments
[Overview of the Co-creation Research Center]
1. Name
DOWA x Tohoku University Co-creation Research Center
2. Purpose
To advance research activities to create an affluent and recycling-oriented society
3. Activities
1) Exploring joint research themes
Exploring specific research themes, through cross-departmental cooperation, connected to the development of a wide range of new materials, the development of technologies that will contribute towards the shift to becoming carbon neutral, and new value creation with utilization of digital technologies
2) Human resource development
Young DOWA researchers will actively be dispatched to joint research, and highly skilled engineers will be developed through working adults acquiring Ph.D.’s
4. Operating Structure
・General operating director
SATO Kimitaka, Specially Appointed Professor (Research), Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
(General Manager of the Business Innovation Research Department and the Quality Assurance Department, DOWA HOLDINGS CO., LTD.)
・Operating support director
SUTO Yuji, Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
・General operating advisor
SUGAWARA Akira, Specially Appointed Professor (Visiting Professor), Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
(Director supervised technologies and business innovation research, DOWA HOLDINGS CO., LTD.)
5. Installation Location
Engineering Laboratory Complex Building at Tohoku University
6. Duration
From April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2025
・Co-creation Research Center, Service, Industry-University Collaboration Scheme, Tohoku University