December 16, 2019
PT. Prasadha Pamunah Limbah Industri (West Java, Republic of Indonesia; Capital: 49.5 billion rupiah; President: Nobuhiro Yasui; hereinafter “PPLi”), an Indonesian subsidiary of DOWA ECO-SYSTEM CO., LTD. (Headquarters : 14-1 Sotokanda 4-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Capital 1 billion yen; President: Minoru Tobita), which is a subsidiary of DOWA HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (Same location; Capital: 36.4 billion yen; President: Akira Sekiguchi), is planning to begin the construction of a new waste treatment incinerator with the aim of commencing its operation in FY2021.
Indonesia has a population of over 250 million people and has been growing economically on the back of the proactive invitation of foreign investment and infrastructure development. On the other hand, it has only a limited number of companies that are capable of treating the industrial and municipal hazardous waste. In particular, there are very few incinerators that are able to pyrolyze and detoxify the hazardous waste.
PPLi has a landfill site that was authorized as hazardous waste landfill, currently the only one in Indonesia, and provides comprehensive waste treatment services including waste transportation, mixing/conversion to energy, classification/recycling, liquid waste treatment, and landfill.
Through the introduction of the new incinerator, it will be possible to detoxify hazardous waste with properties that are not suitable for conversion to energy and landfill treatment. By increasing the types of acceptable hazardous waste, PPLi will further strengthen its waste treatment services.
In addition, the incinerator is the vertical stoker type, which has already been in operation at a Singapore subsidiary of DOWA ECO-SYSTEM CO., LTD. since FY2017, and which is able to significantly reduce the CO2 emissions generated during incineration compared to a conventional incinerator.
DOWA ECO-SYSTEM CO., LTD. entered Southeast Asia in FY2008 and now runs the Environmental Management & Recycling Business, including appropriate waste treatment and waste recycling, in the four countries of Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, and Myanmar. It will continue to solve the environmental problems that exist due to the development of Asia and will help to create a sustainable society.
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- Incinerator of the same type that has been in operation in Singapore
[Overview of the new incinerator]
1. Location: Premises of PPLi headquarters
2. Commencement of operation (plan): By the end of FY2021
3. Objects to be treated: Hazardous waste (solid and liquid)
4. Treatment capacity: 50 tons/day
[Overview of PPLi]
1. Headquarters: Jl. Raya Narogong Desa Nambo, Cileungsi, Bogor, Indonesia
2. Established: 1994
3. Capital: 49.5 billion rupiah
4. Number of employees: Approx. 800
5. Shareholders: DOWA ECO-SYSTEM CO., LTD. (95%), Indonesian government (5%)
6. Business: Waste transportation, mixing/conversion to energy, classification/recycling, liquid waste treatment, and landfill