April 28, 2020



DOWA HOLDINGS CO., LTD.  (“the Company”) hereby announces that it has decided to postpone the announcement of financial results for FY2019 (the year ended March 31, 2020), initially scheduled for May 12, 2020.


1. Reason for the postponement of the announcement of financial results

Given the spread of the Novel Coronavirus and the government’s declaration of a state of emergency, the Group has been preparing financial results while simultaneously implementing necessary measures including teleworking to prevent the spread of infection. In doing so, with the compilation of financial results and completion of audit procedures expected to take longer than initially anticipated, the Company has decided to postpone the announcement of financial results.


2. Scheduled date of the announcement of financial results

Currently, the Company has not decided when to make the postponed announcement of financial results. A specific date will be announced promptly when it is finalized.


3. Impact of the Novel Coronavirus

The Company is carefully examining the impact of the Novel Coronavirus pandemic on the financial results for FY2019 (the year ended March 31, 2020). If any matters requiring disclosure arise going forward, the Company will make announcements promptly.



The Company regrets any inconvenience caused to its shareholders, investors and other stakeholders, and sincerely appreciates their understanding.