Human rights policy

1. Position of this Policy

The DOWA Group supports the International Bill of Human Rights (consisting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Human Rights), which stipulate basic human rights to be enjoyed by people all over the world; the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; and other similar internationally recognized norms concerning human rights. In addition, we have established this Policy in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights established by the United Nations and will use our best efforts to promote respect for human rights.

2. Responsibility to Respect Human Rights

If any human rights are adversely affected by any business activities of the DOWA Group, or if it is revealed that the DOWA Group has exacerbated such adverse effects, the DOWA Group will fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights by taking appropriate remedial measures for correction as well as measures to prevent and/or mitigate the adverse effects.

3. Scope of Application

The Policy applies to all officers and employees (including permanent, contract, part-time, casual, and temporary employees) of the DOWA Group. In addition, if any human rights are directly adversely affected by any of our business partners that are involved in the DOWA Group’s business activities, or if it is strongly suspected that such adverse effects are caused by the DOWA Group’s business activities, we will demand that such business partners respect and refrain from breaching human rights.

4. Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations

The DOWA Group will comply with the applicable domestic laws and regulations of each country and region in which it conducts its business activities. If there is any conflict between internationally recognized principles on human rights and the domestic laws and regulations of each country or region, the internationally recognized principles on human rights will prevail, and to the extent possible, the DOWA Group will take the domestic laws and regulations of each country or region into consideration.

5. Human Rights Due Diligence

Pursuant to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the DOWA Group will perform human rights due diligence to identify, prevent, and mitigate actual or potential adverse effects on human rights resulting from its business activities.

6. Remedy

If it is found that the DOWA Group has caused or contributed to any adverse effects on human rights through its business activities, we will work on a solution to the adverse effects by following appropriate procedures. In addition, the DOWA Group will set up a hotline in order to enable anyone who notices any adverse effects, whether actual or potential, to prevent the occurrence of, or to promptly report, any actual or potential adverse effects when they notice them.

7. Education and Training

The DOWA Group will work on human rights enlightenment activities and strive to ensure that any and all officers and employees of the Dowa Group appreciate human rights and various human rights-related issues. In addition, the DOWA Group will educate and develop their knowledge so that this Policy will become firmly entrenched in all of its business activities.

8. Communication and Consultation

In implementing this Policy, the DOWA Group will take advantage of external human rights experts, and will communicate and consult with any stakeholders whose human rights are adversely affected, whether actually or potentially, by any of our business activities.

9. Information Disclosure

The DOWA Group will report the status of its efforts to respect human rights through its Integrated Reports and publication on its website in order to fulfill its accountability obligations regarding this Policy.

March 11, 2022
SEKIGUCHI Akira, President and Representative Director